Statement of Beliefs
The Nipissing-Parry Sound Catholic
District School Board is committed to the principle that the integration
of exceptional pupils should be the norm, provided the placement meets
the pupil's needs and is consistent with parents' wishes.
In our
Catholic schools the uniqueness of every student is celebrated. We
recognize each child's dignity and value within the family, the church,
the community and the school. The goal of purposeful integration of all
students with adequate supports will ensure that each child's needs are
met and assist the child to participate fully in the life of the school.
of all exceptional students requires flexibility on the part of schools
and parents, as well as partnerships with community agencies providing
expertise and personnel. Integrated programs must be supported through
adequate training and funding for facilities and equipment, and require
evaluation to ensure that expectations are being achieved in the best
interests of all students.
Students have needs in a variety of
domains: spiritual, social, emotional, cognitive-academic, and physical.
To achieve the highest quality of education for all students, each
student's strengths and needs must be evaluated individually.
Nipissing-Parry Sound Catholic District School Board acknowledges the
need for a full range of placement options to meet these varying needs
of students. These placement options include placement in a regular
classroom with resource support, specialized classes, purchase of
service and referral to provincial schools.