Catholic Education Week 2024

Catholic Education Week 2024 - We Are Called To Love
Posted on 05/03/2024
We Are Called To Love

The week of May 5 to May 10, 2024 is Catholic Education Week. We invite our community to join us as we celebrate the Catholic Education Week theme for 2024 - We Are Called To Love. At NPSC, there are numerous events happening around the school board with students, staff and community members all participating. Please find here a copy of the community events for Catholic Education Week 2024 for the Nipissing-Parry Sound Catholic District School Board:

Catholic Education Week 2024: NPSC Events

Sub-Themes and Scriptural Passages for each day of Catholic Education Week

The five sub-themes for Catholic Education Week are:

Monday: As people of hope / Dans l’espérance 

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing. Romans 15:13
Tuesday: As people of faith / Dans la foi

For in Christ Jesus… the only thing that counts is faith working through love. Galatians 5:6
Wednesday: As people of mercy / Avec compassion

Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful. Luke 6:36

Thursday: As people of justice / Dans la justice

Do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with God. Micah 6:8 
Friday: As people of joy / Dans la joie

Our heart is glad in the Lord, because we trust in his holy name. 
Psalm 33:21

Throughout this week, we reflect on the meaning of our theme We Are Called To Love: 
  • With joyful anticipation of the Jubilee Year of 2025, we are inspired by Pope Francis announcing the theme of “Pilgrims of Hope.” With open hearts of love, we can continue to “fan the flame of hope” for a bright future.
  • On the fifth anniversary of Renewing the Promise, we celebrate that Catholic Education is centred on our Christian call to love. This love permeates how we live in the world and as we act with love, we build a better future. As Pope Francis stated in 2023, “He wants us to be artisans of a new history, weavers of hope, builders of the future, peacemakers.”
  • The theme of the synod, “Enlarge the Space of Your Tent,” invites us to listen in love, to be a healing presence to one another and to strengthen relationships.
  • In his visit to Canada last summer, Pope Francis gave us hope for our continued work for Truth and Reconciliation. Through prayer and a commitment to love, stronger bonds are forming and a new way forward is emerging.
  • Catholic Education Week comes at the same time as Mental Health Awareness Week. Through love and compassion, we continue to support each other’s wellbeing. God is love and we are always called to live out this love.
  • In our continued work for Equity and Inclusion in Catholic schools, a focus on love reminds us that all God’s children are loved unconditionally.


Catholic Education Week Prayer

God who is love,

Love is our calling, and the goal for which you have made us.

As we celebrate Catholic Education Week,

may our love in action reveal to our world

that we are people of justice and mercy.

May our daily words and example show clearly

that we are people of faith and hope.

In the ways we reflect you daily,

may everyone recognize us as people of joy.

Help us to never forget how much you love us,

and to cherish your life within us,

which gives energy and direction to our loving.

May we hear your call to love generously and inclusively,

and may we call our world to be more loving also.

All of this we ask in the name of Jesus, our Friend and our Lord.


The spiritual quote for Catholic Education Week 2024 is:

“If we love one another, God lives in us.” 1 John 4:12 

Si nous nous aimons les uns les autres, Dieu demeure en nous. (1 Jean 4, 12)

Additional resources to celebrate Catholic Education Week 2024 can be found at the  OCSTA's website. You may also find the official #CEW2024 promotional poster right here. As a Catholic faith community, we invite you to listen to the CEW 2024 theme song below:

CEW 2024 Poster 

CEW2024 Theme Song Video 