Message from NPSSTS

Message from NPSSTS
Posted on 03/10/2022


Dear Parents, Guardians and Students


Yesterday’s announcement by the Province requires a number of changes to the Transportation Plan which outlined the safety precautions to be taken as we dealt with COVID-19.  With many of the restrictions now being removed, including the mandatory wearing of masks, designated seating and seating plans, the NPSSTS wishes to continue our approach of safe transportation for all.  Changes to the plan will be forthcoming and are subject to consultation with a number of agencies.  We want to ensure that we approach this next phase of the pandemic appropriately and with the best interest of students in mind. 

We appreciate your patience and understanding over the past several weeks.  As always, our goal is to safely transport all students to school and back home.  With that goal in mind, the NPSSTS will conduct a thorough review and revision of the Transportation Plan and make it available to all its stakeholders through our website no later than Thursday March 17th 2022.  We wish you a safe and enjoyable March Break. 

Yours truly,


Chuck Seguin

Executive Director – NPSSTS