Hockey Canada Skills Academy

Hockey Canada Skills Academy Being Offered at SJSH - September 2022
Posted on 05/03/2022

St. Joseph-Scollard Hall (SJSH) is proud to announce the offering of a licensed Hockey Canada Skills Academy for the 2022-2023 school year.  This program will be offered to Grade 9 and 10 students in the first semester and to Grade 11 students in second semester, pending enrollment confirmation. Students will have an opportunity to experience the game of hockey in a non-competitive environment that focuses on a holistic approach to health, wellness and skill building.

The St. Joseph-Scollard Hall Hockey Canada Skills Academy Program will provide an inclusive opportunity for students of all genders to combine academics and athletics and to support their development as they navigate through their high school career. 

Qualified instructors in specific skill areas (i.e. skating, shooting, passing, goaltending) will deliver a professional and knowledgeable drill set that will allow students to improve in all aspects of their game. Students will receive sport specific training and will learn the importance of balanced nutrition and mental health and wellness that will support them in all facets of their lives.  Students will earn two credits while participating in the program.  

“We believe that as the students take advantage of what this program has to offer, they will not only learn more about hockey, but they will develop essential life skills that they can apply not only in the classroom but in real life situations.”, said Derek Belanger, Principal of SJSH. 

A parent information evening is being planned in the near future to share additional details about the program. The date and time of the information evening will be posted on the SJSH school website.  For more information, please contact the school at (705) 494-8600.