de Jourdan and Fitzsimmons Acclaimed

de Jourdan and Fitzsimmons Acclaimed Chair, Vice-Chair
Posted on 12/22/2021

At its organizational meeting on Tuesday December 21, the Nipissing-Parry Sound Catholic District School Board appointed by acclamation, Leo de Jourdan as Chair and Shawn Fitzsimmons as Vice-Chair. 

Leo de Jourdan was a Trustee with the Board from 1998-2003, from 2013-2014, and again since December 2018.  He has served on various statutory committees during his tenure and currently serves as a member of the Audit Committee.

Shawn Fitzsimmons has served as Trustee with the Board since December 2006, and was Vice-Chair of the Board from 2009-2012.  He has served on various statutory committees during his tenure and currently serves as a member of the Audit Committee.

Trustees Jacques Bégin (East and South of the City of North Bay),  Judy Manitowabi (Nipissing First Nations), Barbara McCool (North Bay) and John Willemsen (West Nipissing) also serve on the Board.

“I am grateful for the support and confidence in my ability to carry out the role of Board Chair” said de Jourdan.  “In spite of the challenges posed by the pandemic conditions, we should be very proud of what we have accomplished and of our commitment to completing our term by leaving the next Board with a solid foundation built on the sound policies and decisions that this Board has supported and approved.  It’s an honour and privilege to work alongside our Trustees and a competent senior administration team. I am extremely pleased that we have acted and will continue to act responsibly by ensuring our system of Catholic education provides the best possible educational experience for all of our students in an environment that is reflective of our faith values,” he added.

The Nipissing-Parry Sound Catholic District School Board serves approximately 2900 students in 11 elementary schools across North Bay, West Nipissing, Mattawa, Powassan and Callander, and St. Joseph-Scollard Hall Catholic Secondary School and St. Joseph Adult Education campus, in North Bay.  



Leo de Jourdan                                                                                  Anna Marie Bitonti

Chair                                                                                               Director of Education