Year End Message 2024

Director and Chair Year-End Message 2023-2024
Posted on 06/27/2024

Dear Parents/Guardians, Students and Staff: 

As the 2023-2024 school year swiftly draws to a close, we reflect on the many learning opportunities and outstanding successes of the entire NPSC community. It is with great gratitude and humility that we extend our appreciation to our amazing students, staff, families and community partners for another incredible school year at NPSC!  This school year has been quite remarkable with so many successes to celebrate as a Catholic faith community. 

Over the course of this year, we joyfully launched our three-year NPSC Pastoral Plan focused on the theological virtues of Love, Hope and Faith.   Our hearts were truly warmed as the heart icon masterpiece embarked on a pilgrimage to each of our NPSC Catholic School communities, serving to animate our pastoral theme and led by our Board Chaplain, Father Joseph de Viveiros.  Aligned to this year’s Catholic Education Week theme, ‘We Are Called to Love’, this beautiful journey of the heart ensured each school community had an opportunity to celebrate how God’s love lives within our hearts and is reflected through each one of us.  

Heart Puzzle

As we approach the next school year, we look forward to launching the second year of our spirit-led pastoral theme of HOPE, which celebrates the Jubilee Year of the Pilgrimage of Hope in 2025 and will continue to unite us in our faith as a Catholic education Board community.   

As we travelled the road of an incredible learning journey together, we continued to demonstrate our calling to nurture safe and inclusive learning environments where every student and every member of the community is welcomed, valued, and respected guided by our gospel values.  We have grown and deepened relationships in our Catholic school communities with a spirit of love and positivity, bringing us all great hope for a bright future.  

Blocks Most notably, this school year reflected a variety of learning experiences focused on   building student leadership capacity led by our students and staff.  A community Pow   Wow led by our St. Joseph-Scollard Hall student advisory group Mkwa Doodem, R.I.S.E.   activities, Catholic Student Leadership team sessions, social justice initiatives,   celebrations of our faith, expanding system extra-curricular, and experiential learning   experiences are but a few examples of how our community continues to become living   expressions of our Board’s vision ‘Rooted in Faith, Alive in Spirit’. These examples of   student leadership and learning also serve to demonstrate realization of the outcomes in   our Board’s multi-year strategic plan, our ENDs, focused on the priorities of Catholic   Faith, Well-Being, Learning, Equity, Indigenous Education and Innovation. 

STF Grad

Over the course of the past two weeks, our Board of Trustees and Senior Administration team have been truly honoured to participate
in many of the graduation ceremonies and celebrations of success
at both the elementary and secondary panels.  As a Board, we extend our prayerful congratulations to all of our students who are celebrating the great milestone of graduation.  Our sincere hope is for you to bring the knowledge, skills, faith and experiences gained
at NPSC into the next chapter of your educational journey. We are
so very proud of each of you and your accomplishments! 

We take a special moment to express our sincere gratitude and deep appreciation to our incredible NPSC Catholic community – particularly our parents/guardians, all our staff, students and community partners for your support throughout this year as we worked together to provide a rich Catholic Education experience.  Thank you for choosing the Nipissing-Parry Sound Catholic District School Board! 

On behalf of our Board of Trustees and Senior Administration team, we extend our prayerful best wishes for a safe, restful and joyful summer filled with God’s abundant blessings! 

As we transition into the relaxing and rejuvenating days of summer and prepare to celebrate next year's pastoral theme of HOPE, we offer our NPSC community a special blessing by our Board Chaplain, Father Joseph: 

Creating God, 
We pray in thanksgiving  
for the changing of the seasons 
that reminds us of the Paschal Mystery of your Son. 
As winter gives way to spring, 
summer overtakes spring 
and fall leads us to winter. 
The cycle of dying and rising  
constantly unfolds in creation and our lives. 
As we bring our Year of Love to a close 
help us to continue to grow 
in our ability to love our neighbour  
and our awareness of your unconditional love for us. 
Help us to be open to our new Year of Hope 
and to the Church’s Jubilee: The Pilgrimage of Hope! 

We look forward to seeing you all in September!

Yours in Catholic Education,

Paula Mann
Director of Education

Shawn Fitzsimmons
Board Chair
