St. Francis Teacher Wins Award

St. Francis Teacher Wins CARFLEO Award
Posted on 04/11/2023

NPSC is proud to share that St. Francis Teacher, Amanda Thériault-Massé was awarded this year's Seeds of Hope New Teacher Award by the Catholic Association of Religious and Family Life Educators of Ontario (CARFLEO).

Mme. Amanda Thériault-Massé

The chair of CARFLEO, Mark Siolek, informed St. Francis Principal Victoria Swejda that there were numerous nominees from across Ontario, but Amanda was a stand-out! The award is given to an Ontario Catholic school Religious and/or Family Life educator, within their first five years of their teaching career while demonstrating various student-focused and faith-integrated practices, both inside the classroom and out.

CARFLEO Seeds of Hope New Teacher Award

Accompanied by Principal Swejda, Amanda accepted her award in Mississauga at the CARFLEO Conference at the Queen of Apostles Renewal Centre on Thursday, March 30. To congratulate her on her prestigious honour, NPSC Director of Education Paula Mann visited St. Francis to celebrate Amanda on all her hard work and community achievements.

Mme. Amanda Thériault-Massé and Principal Mme. Victoria Swejda