St. Theresa Terry Fox Run 2022

St. Theresa Elementary School Raises Over $13,000 for the Terry Fox Foundation
Posted on 09/29/2022
On Thursday, September 29, 2022, St. Theresa Catholic Elementary School announced the school’s fundraising grand total from their 2022 Annual Terry Fox Run.  The school more than doubled their $5,000 goal, raising over $13,000!

The top three fundraisers were (pictured left-right): Tucker Legare, Sydney Brown, and Kaeden Berghamer, raising $2,200 cumulatively.  For being the top fundraisers, they earned the honour of excitedly pouring a bucket of water over Principal Micheline Lamarche and Vice-Principal Rhonda Lindeman heads!

“This incredible total that our students, staff, parents, and wider community of St. Theresa Catholic school have raised for cancer research through the annual Terry Fox run is quite a remarkable achievement.", says Director of Education, Paula Mann.  "We are moved by the generosity of our Catholic community and the leadership of our students at St. Theresa, to contribute to such an important cause that has affected so many lives.  It is a true demonstration of our gospel values in action and our call to serve the needs of our community that we serve.”, Mann added.

Prior to the fundraising announcement, the school celebrated a grand opening and an official blessing of their new Outdoor Classroom (pictured below).  This project began as a Teacher Learning and Leadership Program initiative, with a focus on outdoor education.  The grand opening represented the school team’s vision of bringing experiential learning opportunities for students in an outdoor space, to reality.  

For additional information, please contact St. Theresa Principal, Micheline Lamarche, at 705-752-4407.

Terry Fox Outdoor Classroom