Thanksgiving Holiday Reminders 2021

Thanksgiving Holiday Reminders
Posted on 10/07/2021

October 7, 2021

Dear Parents and Guardians:

We would like to extend our appreciation to all of our families for your continued support during the school reopening process over the first month of this new school year. Your continued efforts to adhere to our local public health and safety requirements have ensured our schools remain as safe and healthy learning spaces for all our students and staff. 

As we enter the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, it is important to continue exercising caution and to remember that we can all do our part to limit the spread of COVID-19 by reviewing and following the newly released guidance from the Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health. This guidance shares tips and information on how to celebrate holidays and festive events safely this fall season. 

As we return to school next week, families are reminded that all students and staff must self-screen for symptoms of illness every day before attending school or child care using the  COVID-19 school and child care screening tool and must follow its direction on whether to attend school or work.  

Students who are ill or showing any symptoms of COVID-19 must stay home, immediately self-isolate and follow the steps directed by public health. Anyone who is sick or develops any symptoms of illness, including those not listed in the school and child care screening tool, should stay home and seek assessment from their health care provider, if needed.  

We encourage you to continue to regularly visit our local Health Unit website to learn about the public health measures that are in place in our community. 

Please continue to monitor your school’s Edsby pages for important information and updates. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to your school principal. 

Thank you once again for your collective efforts and diligence in upholding public health and safety measures, and for supporting the maintenance of safe and healthy school communities.

We extend our warm wishes to all of our NPSC families for a blessed, healthy and safe Thanksgiving holiday.